Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 1 EOC: What sacrifices are you willing to make for you career

What am I willing to sacrifice for my career, I would be willing to sacrifice a lot. For example I have nothing holding me back in Las Vegas so if a career happen to pop up in Canada I would be willing to move. I have my passport so I could also travel over seas if need be.
    I would be willing to start all the way at the bottom  and work so hard that I make it to the top. With meeting new people coming to work early, spending as much time at work as possible, so my co works that I love my job and I will done anything to keep it. I have made sacrifices before in my work for example, I was shooting a film and we drove out of town to shoot and we had hotels set up for all the cast and crew. When we get to the hotel they tell us that the rooms are no longer available, so with everybody freezing cold I had to make sacrfices to help these people find somewhere to sleep. I put the cast and crew in all of my family’s houses that were in the town we were shooting. The next day we start shooting our actress breaks her leg, so we had to make sacrifices to the  and drive six hours to get our back up actress and six hours back while we were doing this the rest of the team was shooting pick up shoots. We had one day to shoot all of the scenes with our new actress luckily she know all of her lines. With the sacrafices I made we were able to finish the film, the short film we made went on to win the AIP film showcase and thierd place and

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