Wednesday, February 8, 2012

EOC week5

With the bankers card I went into the bank and asked the lady for a card and she was busy and was not able to take the time out to talk to me, so I just grabed a card from her. In regardes to the insurance, so I go in to allstate and ask for a card and then they ask me what it is for so I continue to explane to them about the project about how we have to go and get cards from a banker and insurance and the other ones. So they tell me about how if I need anything then I should come back to talk to them about anything I need. When I went to go into the lawyers office I was talking to the lady about what I am doing there and I told her what I was doing and she seemed very excited to learn about what we are doing in class. When it comes to the accountant I did not get anything from them. But out of all the people I saw the best one was the insurance company they seemed to be very interested to know what we are doing in the class.

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